The Banned Books Trading Card Project went so well in 2023 that we did it again. Banned Books Week was September 22-28, 2024. To raise awareness of book bans and challenges that are still happening, we have created a deck of cards representing book covers created by local artists (and a few not so local) that have been banned or challenged. The project culminated with a
A Banned Books Read-a-Thon held on
Wednesday, September 25.
Thank you to all who participated!
Did you miss the deadline for this year? Please consider applying next year!​​
Click here to see the 2023 reimagined cover art and the artist bios!
2024 Banned Book Trading Card decks are available for sale for $10 at the circulation desk.
We have a limited supply of 2023 card decks available for purchase as well.​
Curious about banned or challenged books? Here are some online resources:
American Library Association list of banned or challenged books:
Here are the 100 most banned and challenged books of the decade:
Top 13 Most Challenged Books of 2022:
Banned Books Book Club
Unite Against Book Bans - Book Resumes
Updated statistics on censorship attempts in 2023