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Valley Cottage Library Reopening FAQ



What are your hours?

Monday – Thursday 12pm-6pm

Friday 12-5pm

Saturday 10am-2pm.

EXPRESS IN-BUILDING SERVICES (30-minute time limit)

Can I come in the building?

Beginning May 3rd library visitors will be allowed into the building with no appointment necessary. All visitors must check in with either a door monitor or the circulation desk upon arrival. Visits will be limited to a maximum of 30 minutes. Visitors will be handed a welcome card with their arrival time to help them plan their time most effectively.


Building capacity limits are in effect. If the building reaches designated capacity, incoming visitors may need to wait before entrance. 


Can I sit down?

Very limited seating is available in the adult and children's area. As the best outcome for contagion is based on the number of people and longevity of exposure, all patrons are encouraged to make their visits as brief and quick as possible. 


Can I use the bathroom?

Yes, the public bathrooms will be accessible. To comply with social distancing requirements, these bathrooms will be single occupancy use only. Please knock before entering and wait to enter until the room is vacant.


Can I still access materials and services through curbside?
Yes, our curbside service will remain in effect in exactly the same manner.




How does it work?

It’s easy! You can call (845-268-7700), or email ( our library staff to help select titles for your needs, or you can browse and place holds on titles through our library catalog via our website or the RCLS Gateway app. Schedule an appointment through our simple software or have staff assist in scheduling a pick-up appointment. Your materials will be ready and waiting for you. Call us from the parking lot when you arrive and we will check out the materials and bring them to a table placed at our front doors.

How do I schedule an appointment?

Schedule your appointment here or ask our staff to schedule for you!


What happens if I miss my appointment?

We know that scheduling an appointment to visit the library may seem unusual but we are working to make sure we can deliver the safest experience for both our staff and our community. If you miss the appointment, please call the library at (845) 268-7700 and we will give you instructions on how to obtain your materials.


What happens if I don’t have my library card? Left it in my summer house? My shuttered office? Etc.

If you don’t have your library card readily available, you can use your driver’s license or, alternately, you

can present your card via the RCLS Gateway App.


If you’ve lost your card or never had one, Valley Cottage residents can apply for a new card via our website or in-person during a visit to the Library.

If you’re still not sure, call us. Your call will make our day!



Do I owe any fines?

No. As we begin our reopening, safety is our primary goal. For this reason, fines for overdue material will temporarily be suspended as part of our contactless service. Fines may be reinstated as the opening services expand but for now we ask you to please enjoy our fine-free service. Please try to honor the return dates so others may also have access to the materials. Of course if you have lost your book, or it has been enjoyed by your dog, we will be collecting replacement and damage fees. Give us a call.


Is there a limit on the number of books, DVDs, etc I can get through curbside pickup?

If you can carry them, you can borrow them. But if you really want to know, the limit is 50 items with some limits within types of collections.

Can I still borrow a board game? Lawn game? Cake pan? Museum pass?

Yes! We would love it if you want to borrow from our special collections. However, since we are asking all material to be returned through the book drop, special arrangements will have to be made for the return of these items. Call us!


Can I make a photocopy/send a fax?

Photocopy and Fax services will be available both through curbside appointments as well as with in-building library use. 


Copier fees are 10¢ per page for b&w copies; 25¢ per page for color copies. Outgoing Fax prices are $1.00 first page, 50¢ per page thereafter. Incoming faxes are 50¢ per page.

Can I get a document notarized?

Notary Service at the Valley Cottage Library is suspended for the duration of the coronavirus pandemic.


As of April 30, 2021 the following locations are offering notary services. Call ahead as most services are subject to change at this time.

The Blauvelt Library is providing notary service. No appointment necessary. (845) 359-2811

Nyack Library (845-358-3370)

UPS Store in Congers (845-267-0561) will perform notary service by appointment  Appointments can be made online here:  (845) 267-0561  email:
UPS Store in Nanuet Walk-in welcome but best to call ahead to check availability.  Appointments cannot be made online.  (845) 624-3844 email:

M&T Bank in Nyack (845-358-9480) Call first as some banks only notarize for account holders. 

Wells Fargo in Nyack (845 358-1400) Call first as some banks only notarize for account holders. 

     Note: Chase Bank in Valley Cottage has suspended notary service.

The Rockland County Clerk Appointments required.  (845) 708-7170
New City Library No appointments needed, call ahead to check availability of notary (845) 634-4997

Haverstraw Library No appointments needed, call ahead to check availability of notary (845) 786-3800, ext.18
Pearl River Library  No appointments needed, call ahead to check availability of notary (845)735-4084





What safety precautions are being taken by the Library?

When you come to the library you will notice things look a little bit different. All individuals anywhere on library property - inside or outside - are required to wear a mask. Face coverings worn over the nose and mouth are required for all in-person visits as well as curbside pickups. Masks with valves and knitted masks are not allowed. If neck gaiters are worn they must be double-layered. Face shields without masks are not permitted. Children under the age of two are the only persons not required to wear a face covering.

Staff members are screened prior to arriving at work and have been trained to recognize the symptoms of COVID-19 and in delivering high-quality library service to our community in a safe manner. All staff members will be wearing masks and some, in addition, may be wearing face shields.

To the greatest degree possible, the ventilation has been improved and fresh air rate has been increased. All air handlers have been refitted with MERV 13 filters. Our service desks have been fitted with Plexiglas to allow for safer library transactions.

A temporary code of conduct for our patrons will be prominently posted requiring the use of masks and social distancing as well as the restriction of any individual to enter the building who is sick or recently exposed to COVID-19.



© 2025 VALLEY COTTAGE LIBRARY ∙ 110 Route 303

Valley Cottage, NY 10989

Phone: 845-268-7700

Fax: 845-268-7760

Email us

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